OUR products
Electrical transformers
We have manufactured over 15,000 transformers, we offer robust and dependable that back up our client’s ivestment.
Pole type transformers
Compact and efficient equipment designed for interconnection to overhead networks.
Substation transformers
Robust and reliable equipment with specific solutions for large industry or special projects.
Pad mounted transformers
Accessible maintenance and safety in a wide range of capacities.
Dry type transformers
Discreet equipment for large projects.
Submersible transformers
Efficient and environmentally friendly equipment that facilitates low voltage regulation.
General characteristics
The following is a list of general characteristics shared by the equipment we manufacture. In each of the specific tabs by type, you can find more information, as well as diagrams and photographs of the products.
Single phase (one phase, single bushing or reduced voltage)
Single phase (two phases or full voltage)
Three-phase (three phases)
Other characteristics:
Dielectric oil: Mineral or Vegetable, free of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB)
Tank: carbon steel or stainless steel
Warranty: 36 months
Taps: nominal, + 2, -2, of 2.5%
Conductors: Copper and / or Aluminum
Temperature rise: 65 ° C (150° F)
Operating altitude: 2,300 u p to meters above sea level. (up to 7,500 feet A.S.L)
Active core: M0H grade grain oriented silicon steel sheet
Manufacturing standards: NOM-002-SEDE, NMX-J-116-ANCE, NMX-J-123-ANCE, NMX-J-285-ANCE
Connections: Delta-Wye, Wye-Wye or Series-Series for single phase
Primary voltage (Medium Voltage):
13,200; 23,000; 33,000 or 34,500 V
Secondary voltage (Low voltage)
Single phase: 120/240, 220/110, 240/480 V
Three-phase: 220/127, 440/254, 380/220, 480/277 V
Our equipment is packaged for delivery to the customer with the greatest care, seeking to protect fragile accessories outside and thus ensure the integrity of the product in its transportation.
If you require transformers with special characteristics not listed on this page or on the specific product pages, please consult our sales staff. We have a design department that can offer you equipment that is tailored to your needs.
We are ready to serve you.